“When you make it the right way, you get the minerals and the exact building blocks of what makes up our joint surfaces,” DiFranceso said. “He’s recognized in the last few years, since sort of pointing him in the direction, of how important that will be.
It’s not often I link to an ESPN sports story, but I thought this article was interesting from a nutrition/health standpoint for people of any age or profession. Bone broth is rich in collagen and nutrients, and Kobe Bryant’s body is a testing ground for how effectively it can help him heal.
Chicken bone broth is easy to make. You just take chicken bones (bones from supermarket-roasted chicken is fine) and add a few inches of water in a stockpot or something similar. Bring it to a boil, then simmer it at ~190F for at least a couple of hours and strain out the solids, leaving you with very nutritious liquid. (Add more liquid if your water level goes too low and exposes too many solids. You need solid-to-liquid contact in order for nutrients to leach into the water. You can simmer with lid on or off depending on how much you want to babysit the broth to make sure it’s at the right water level.) Refrigerate it or freeze it in food storage containers if you won’t be cooking with it anytime soon; it will keep for several days in a fridge (depending on how cold it is set to). That’s the most basic way to do it. It’s even better if you add other things to it such as cut-up celery, carrots, potatoes, onions, and spices (e.g., bay leaves, garlic, thyme, parsley, etc.) so that the water absorbs even more nutrients and flavor.
By the way, the article mentions that vegetable oils cause inflammation. That’s not entirely true. If a bottle of cooking oil simply says “vegetable oil,” it’s probably something like canola oil. Corn, soy, canola, sunflower, cottonseed, and safflower oil are often highly processed. On the other hand, you can use extra virgin olive oil just fine. Just make sure it’s really olive oil, as olive oil forgery is common (about 2/3 of U.S. extra virgin olive oil is not).